Adam Kašpar


Adam Kašpar is a 5rd-year student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in Martin Mainer’s Painting Studio IV. In his works, he takes us to a forest we know from paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries. The air in the forest is crystal clear and nature itself suffices to present the landscape’s monumentality and reveal the author’s interest in the study of landscape painting. “Adam Kašpar is an incredibly talented painter; despite being a student, his excellent painting skills attract the attention of both the professional audience and the general public... His three-meter canvas The Fir Tree which was shown at the ArtPrague exhibition compared favourably with the works of other presented authors such as František Matoušek, Jan, Knap, Jakub Špaňhel or Martin Mainer...   Kašpar, Rybníček and Salajka are authors worth our attention,” claims Nina Hedwic, the founder of Nová galerie.